Burning Wheel: Pathing Out A Life

maxresdefaultLifepaths are a rarely explored method of character generation (chargen). Cutting up a character’s life into a series of stages and combining them can lead to some very evocative, dynamic, and real characters. Others method just do not provide the same experience. Burning Wheel (BW) has one of the best Lifepath systems in tabletop roleplaying. Breaking it down and understanding how BW’s overall system interacts with Lifepaths would help designers implement it properly in their own titles.

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Undertale And Tabletop RPGs


Recently, I got a chance to sit down and play Toby Fox’s Undertale. It was really great and I highly recommend playing it, if you haven’t already. Of course, you don’t need me to tell you that considering how insanely popular the title has been. What I plan on doing here is trying to relate some of the cool ideas presented in the game back to tabletop roleplaying games.

Why? It just sounded like a fun idea and it might lead to some fun adventures in the future.

Spoiler Warning

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